1st Call Air Conditioning:

Your Partner for Comfort and Health

Efficiency, Reliability, Comfort - Your 1st Call for Indoor Air Quality Excellence

Welcome to 1st Call Air Conditioning, your premier destination for comprehensive indoor air quality services in Clearwater, Largo, St. Petersburg, and the Tampa Bay Area. We understand the importance of breathing clean, fresh air in your home or business, which is why we are committed to delivering excellence in air quality solutions that prioritize your comfort and well-being.

Services Offered

Fresh Air Ventilation

Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating embrace of fresh, clean air with our expert ventilation services. Our team will design and install a customized ventilation system that ensures optimal airflow and ventilation throughout your space, promoting a healthier indoor environment.

Air Filtration & Purification

Say goodbye to airborne pollutants and allergens with our cutting-edge air filtration and purification solutions. From high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to advanced UV-C germicidal technology, we offer a range of options to effectively remove contaminants and improve indoor air quality.

Humidity Control

Achieve the perfect balance of humidity in your home or business with our humidity control services. Whether you are dealing with excess moisture or dry air, our team will design and install a customized humidity control system that maintains ideal humidity levels year-round, enhancing comfort and protecting your property.

Why Choose 1st Call Air Conditioning?

Local Expertise

With over 28 years of experience serving the Tampa Bay Area, we have a deep understanding of the unique indoor air quality challenges in our region. Our team of knowledgeable professionals will tailor our services to address your specific needs and ensure maximum comfort and satisfaction.

24/7 Availability

We know that indoor air quality concerns can arise at any time, which is why we offer 24/7 emergency services to address your needs promptly. Whether it's a sudden issue with ventilation, filtration, or humidity control, you can count on us to be there when you require us most.

Customer Satisfaction

Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We go above and beyond to exceed your expectations with every service call, providing personalized attention, transparent communication, and reliable solutions that deliver results.

Free Estimates

We believe in transparency and trust from the start, which is why we offer free, no-obligation estimates for all our services. You can rest assured knowing exactly what to expect before committing to any indoor air quality solution.

At 1st Call Air Conditioning, we are dedicated to delivering promises of comfort, efficiency, and reliability through our commitment to excellence in indoor air quality services.

Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards breathing easier in your home or business.